# image will be published to ghcr.io// name: moe.os # description will be included in the image's metadata description: This is my personal OS image. # the base image to build on top of (FROM) and the version tag to use base-image: ghcr.io/ublue-os/silverblue-main image-version: 40 # latest is also supported if you want new updates ASAP # module configuration, executed in order # you can include multiple instances of the same module modules: - type: files files: - usr: /usr # copies config/files/usr into your image's /usr. # put configuration files you want in /etc/ on a booted system # in /usr/etc/ in the image. read more in files module reference. - type: rpm-ostree repos: # - https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/atim/starship/repo/fedora-%OS_VERSION%/atim-starship-fedora-%OS_VERSION%.repo install: # - micro # - starship remove: # example: removing firefox (in favor of the flatpak) # "firefox" is the main package, "firefox-langpacks" is a dependency # - firefox # - firefox-langpacks # also remove firefox dependency (not required for all packages, this is a special case) - type: default-flatpaks notify: true # Send notification after install/uninstall is finished (true/false) system: # If no repo information is specified, Flathub will be used by default # repo-url: https://dl.flathub.org/repo/flathub.flatpakrepo # repo-name: flathub # repo-title: "Flathub (system-wide)" # Optional; this sets the remote's user-facing name in graphical frontends like GNOME Software install: # - org.mozilla.firefox # - org.gnome.Loupe # - one.ablaze.floorp//lightning # This is an example of flatpak which has multiple branches in selection (flatpak//branch). # Flatpak runtimes are not supported (like org.winehq.Wine//stable-23.08), # only normal flatpak applications are (like Floorp Lightning web browser in this example). # Installing different branches of the same Flatpak is not supported. remove: # - org.gnome.eog - type: signing # this sets up the proper policy & signing files for signed images to work fully